
Objet 30 Orthodesk works with 3 types of polymer materials:

  • Clear biocompatible polymer (MED610)
  • VeroGlaze (MED620)
  • VeroDentPlus (MED690)

MED 610 is a clear biocompatible material and was tested according to standard DIN EN ISO 10993-1: 2009. This standard refers to cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and delayed hypersensitivity. This is a USP class VI polymer which is also tested for irritation, acute system toxicity and implantation. The material is ideal for applications requiring prolonged skin contact of more than 30 days and short-term mucosal-membrane contact of up to 24 hours.

VeroGlaze (MED620) and VeroDentPlus (MED690) materials are ideal for veneer try-ins and diagnostic wax-ups. VeroGlaze (MED620), an opaque material with A2 shading designed to provide the best color match in the industry. VeroDentPlus (MED690), a dark beige material that creates amazingly fine features and finish, and offers excellent strength, accuracy and durability.

All three materials are durable enough for creating prototypes or even functional parts, depending on desired mechanical properties.