3D printer

We have a Stratasys 3D printer, model Objet30 Orthodesk. This device is mainly used for making veneer try-ins and diagnostic wax-ups and dental surgical guides.


Objet 30 Orthodesk works with 3 types of polymer materials: clear biocompatible polymer (MED610), VeroGlaze (MED620) and VeroDentPlus (MED690).

Stratasys Objet30 OrthoDesk

Based on PolyJet 3D Printing technology, the Objet30 OrthoDesk is your entry point into the world of digital dentistry.

  • Digitize your workflow from CAD file to model
  • Accelerate production times
  • Increase capacity
  • Eliminate manual modeling
  • Enjoy a clean, safe, efficient process
  • Store models digitally
  • Lead the market with cutting-edge technology


Company Medical 3D design was founded in 2014. We specialize in 3D modeling and technical documentation mostly for
medical, but also all other types of products. We also offer rapid prototyping services using a Stratasys 3D printer.
This printer utilizes PolyJet technology for creating prototypes. We can also create functional parts for medical and dental
industry, such as dental and orthopedic surgical guides or teeth and jaw models.